Red Gum Gully is home to many animals including:
Koala, Common Brushtail Possum, Common Ringtail Possum
Many species including Adelaide Rosella, Kookaburra, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Galah, Tawny Frogmouth, Superb Fairy Wren
Four species - Lesser Long-eared Bat, Gould’s Wattled Bat, Little Forest Bat and White-striped Mastiff
Copper-headed Skink, Blue Tongue Lizard, Marbled Gecko, Red Belly Black and Eastern Brown Snake
Common Froglet and Brown Tree Frog
Butterflies, Native worm, Dragonfly and water bugs native species regenerating. Remnant species include Red Gum, Grey Box, Golden Wattle, Grasses (Iron, Kangaroo, Wallaby and Spear), Vanilla Lilly, native convolvulus, sedges and rushes. During the wetter months the group’s focus is on planting species of local provenance including Sheoak, Wattle, Christmas bush, Native Lilac, sedges and grasses.
Our group encourages wildlife through activities such as building and installing possum boxes, bird boxes and an insect hotel!
The reserve features Red Gum and Grey Box open woodland. It contains important remnant vegetation with 22 native species regenerating.
Remnant species include Red Gum, Grey Box, Golden Wattle, Grasses (Iron, Kangaroo, Wallaby and Spear), Vanilla Lilly, native convolvulus, sedges and rushes.
During the wetter months the group’s focus is on planting species of local provenance including Sheoak, Wattle, Christmas bush, Native Lilac, sedges and grasses.